It is not uncommon to have to make a trade-off between convenience and clarity. Some clarity can be gained from context. If you have provided enough context for your readers such that when you use the word “blockchain” they know to subsititute “the best digital ledger available to you at the time of this writing”, then you’re good to go in using the word blockchain with clarity.
You might consider an example from a mature domain to clarify your thinking. Most people would say, “We delivered the package to 100 first street.” only if they had previously set the city context. Otherwise, they would say “We delivered the package to 100 first street, Mountain View, CA” to achieve clarity.
In the same way, if you had set the context, “Here is how I stored widget data on the Ethereum blockchain.” And educated reader would make some reasonable assumptions (like mainnet), and it would be clear enough when you later said: “Then I wrote the record to the blockchain.”